Vazena pani, vazeny pane:


Dovolujeme si Vas, jakozto narodniho reprezentanta IGCP projektu pozadat o strucnou avsak vystiznou prezentaci postupu na Vasem ukole za letosni rok.

Informace, kterou od Vas obdrzime, bude pouzita pro zpravu Ceskeho narodniho komitetu pro IGCP sektretariat v Parizi.

Vase strucne, vecne a vystizne sdeleni bude obecne prospesnou "reklamou" pro Vas i pro zdejsi vedy o Zemi.

(This brief annual report of your National Working Group of the IGCP Project should be written in English)


[] = to be filled


A. Project No.  



B. Project name:

[name of the project]


C. International project leader(s):

[first name, family name, country/state]


D. Czech representative(s):

[first name, family name, country]


E. Contact address of the Czech working group:

[e-mail address, fax, phone, mail address]


1. Highlighting the results of the involved Czech researchers

[fifteen to twenty lines characterizing the results, and several references to relevant publications]


2. Organisation/co-organisation of conferences, meetings and workshops - this year

[name of the event, date, place, number of participants, publications - abstracts or proceedings, brief annotation of results]


3. Organisation/co-organisation of conferences, meetings and workshops - next year

[name of the event, date, and place]


4. Co-operation with other international scientific associations, for example - Man and Biosphere, International Hydrological Programme, Management of Social Transformations, ...

[brief characteristic of the subject of this co-operation, relevant references or contacts]


5. Other important aspects of your IGCP activities.

[brief characteristic of your other achievements and/or problems]



Please, copy and fill the body of this form, send this your partial annual report until November 30 to the e-mail addresses of the chairman and secretary of the Czech National IGCP Committee